This Guide Shows How To Self-Publish on KDP, Draft2Digital & IngramSpark
If you have written the next great novel, you would hardly be giddy with delight at being offered a measly 10% in royalties negotiated by your literary agent, not when you can publish your books, yourself, and enjoy up to 70% in royalties per sale. At least, that’s the view at
Visit the website in the description to see how you can get your debut book published.
JMSD Publishing has set up its site to cover all the essentials that aspiring authors need in order to self-publish fiction and non-fiction books for children and adults. Their goal is to empower aspiring authors to write and publish their books with as little difficulty as possible and to establish and maintain an online presence to engage with their readers and to generate more sales.
Go to to find out more.
The launch of their new online publishing resource site coincides with the information on publishing from Words Rated. According to their market researchers, $1.25 billion worth of self-published books is now sold annually. Moreover, the self-publishing market is expected to grow by a significant 17% by next year.
In contrast, the traditional publishing market is expected to grow by only 1%, reflecting the fact that authors and readers are increasingly turning away from its elitist model, which saw the output of books being dominated by a few exclusive publishing houses.
JMSD Publishing’s aim is to help would-be authors and author-entrepreneurs to capitalise on this boom and all-time-high interest in self-publishing. However, that being said, there has been a 264% increase in the number of self-published books on the market in the last few years, meaning that competition gets tougher for new writers every year.
That being the case, JMSD Publishing believes that simply wanting to write a book is not enough. Careful research is necessary to find out which niches are popular with the general public and are, therefore, selling well. For example, in recent years, low content books, like activity books for adults and children as well as journals, have made many an author of these kinds of books become bestsellers. However, that has not been achieved without time, effort and money being spent on building an audience to gain sufficient online exposure in order to ensure success.
Their new informational resources, online tutorials and how-to videos, therefore, cover industry marketing and publishing essentials. These include instructions on how to publish books on the three largest book distribution platforms: Amazon; Draft2Digital and IngramSpark.
JMSD Publishing’s tutorials also cover essentials like how authors and work-from-home entrepreneurs can plan the type of business they wish to set up (sole-trader or incorporated company), determine which domain extensions are best, where to buy a domain name, where to host a website and more. Additionally, they provide tutorials on how to create a WordPress site, select and set up an autoresponder account to capture subscriber data, open a business PayPal account to accept payments and, also, how to deal with admin tasks like keeping financial records.
Although JMSD Publishing is UK-based, access to its resources is available to interested parties around the globe. Step-by-step video tutorials on all relevant topics are organised to ensure members acquire new skills quickly and easily to implement in their own projects. In addition, JMSD Publishing not only has two discussion forums where members may interact with fellow-members, there is also a Download Library where useful resources (for example, copyright-free images for book covers, PLR products) are added for members to download and use and/or sell to add to their revenue stream.
JMSD Publishing’s team members have experience in running bricks and mortar as well as online businesses. Furthermore, the team includes a qualified lecturer in business studies, a PR and marketing expert and a self-published author. Their main objective is to provide relevant, and easy-to-follow instructions in the form of video tutorials and articles for members to make quick progress and avoid costly mistakes.
Whilst this is a new site, content is being added on a daily basis. Until all of the 150+ video tutorials are uploaded, with more to follow thereafter, JMSD Publishing is offering 60-days’, free access to existing content to all subscribers.
A spokesman from says: “Join now and start your journey to become an author and lead the life you want. Learn how to set up an online presence to work from home or anywhere.”
More information is available at
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