London Minimal Scar Bikini Surgery: Hip Surgeon Recommended With Fast Recovery
The wonders of medical science will never cease to amaze – and a new surgical technique that makes it possible to complete an entire hip replacement without cutting any important muscles, nerves, or blood vessels, just proves it.
That’s not even the best part though, because reducing all that surgical trauma has a lot of benefits. If you want a full, in-depth review, or a consultation with a specialist, just visit MSK Doctors at
The short version is still a little long, but don’t worry, it’s also sweet… but first, maybe I should explain the name.
It’s called Bikini, or the Bikini Hip Replacement technique, for a good reason.
The Bikini Technique, Explained
The reason it’s called Bikini is because this surgery uses a unique initial incision that’s designed to not just minimise the surgical trauma, but also any resulting scar. With the right technique, the incision can follow the stretch and lines in your skin, which reduces tension during healing, and allows any scar that does form to hide easily in your bikini line.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that’s what it’s all about though – just because it’s named after the ability to hide the scar in your bikini line doesn’t mean that’s the only, or the biggest, benefit.
Minimally Invasive, Maximum Recovery
With a traditional hip replacement technique, the recovery can often be longer than we’d like, and this is just a result of healing after an intensive surgery. It’s the price we pay for, say, getting a new hip – but there are newer techniques available now.
With a Direct Anterior Approach (DAA) like the Bikini technique, a skilled surgical team can slide your new hip in there without having to cut all those important muscles that you rely on for standing, bending, and generally existing. That makes a heck of a lot of difference in the recovery process.
In most cases, you should be able to stand, and even practice walking with crutches, almost right after your surgery. You’ll also be able to go back home within about a day after your operation, with less post-operative pain, and a greatly reduced risk of dislocations or developing a limp.
How long it takes to get fully back to your daily activities depends a lot on you, your health, and how active you were previously. However, a top-tier surgical team like the one at MSK Doctors can work with you to create a custom recovery plan that works for you, and gets you back to full mobility as fast as possible.
One Word Of Caution
While the Bikini technique is innovative and advanced, that also means it may have a slightly higher learning curve than some traditional techniques, and fewer surgical teams have had adequate time to study and gain experience with it.
This shouldn’t prevent you from finding a qualified and experienced specialist, you just have to know where to look – and most hip specialists have experience with the DAA technique. You should know, however, that in clinical trials, surgical teams with more experience in the Bikini technique were shown to have the best results at reducing the visible scarring.
If you want the best results, you don’t just need the best techniques, but also the best experts.
More Information & Local Specialists
It never hurts to learn more before making a big decision, and make no mistake, which hip replacement surgery to choose is a big decision.
If you would like to speak directly to a specialist in the Bikini technique, as well as other minimally invasive hip replacement options, then you can book your own appointment for consultation, diagnosis, or even treatment, at MSK Doctors in London.
They let you book online, or over the phone, with no waiting list and no GP referral required, for near-immediate appointments.
You can also check out their in-depth review of the Bikini technique and other hip replacement options at
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